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Religious Education at Ladybarn

and at our other Trust schools


Our Religious Education is based around the Manchester syllabus. The intent will take children on a journey from Nursery to year 6. Our RE curriculum has been developed to ensure children have a secure understanding of religious values & beliefs and how different people express these in their daily lives. The curriculum will develop their skills and knowledge of expressing, believing and living in a diverse society so they have an appreciation & acceptance of their community and the wider world, seeing commonality between themselves and others. Learning about different religions should be seen as an act of friendship, an opportunity to get to know one another better, to draw closer to others and their culture and way of thinking. Through our RE curriculum we want to guide children towards insights, ideas and revelations they would not otherwise have arrived at.

In Nursery and Reception, the children understand that some places are special to members of their community. They explore and understand that people have different beliefs and celebrate special times in different ways. As part of understanding the world, the children continue to develop positive attitudes about the differences between people.

"Christians pray at the church. They have one God and they get baptised".


Children explored the festival of Diwali and made diva lamps.

In Year 1, the children learn about the religions of Christianity, Sikhism and Islam. In Christianity, the children understand what a Christian believes and which places are special to Christians and why they are special.

"Christians have a cross symbol. They have a holy book called the Bible".

In Year 1, the children  visit St Margaret's Church


In Year 2, the children learn about the religions of Hinduism, Judaism and Buddhism. In Hinduism, the children understand that a Mandir is a sacred place for Hindus and they investigate Hindu beliefs and see how they are conveyed in books.

The children retold the story of Rama and Sita and explained why the story is special in Hinduism. They also visited the Gita Bhavan Hindu Temple

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"The story of Rama and Sita teaches you about kindness and that light wins over dark".

"Hindus have a holy book called the Vedas".

"Sikhs and Muslims both have something to believe in. They all have holy books. The Islam holy book is called the Quran".

In Year 3, the children learn about the religions of Islam, Christianity and Sikhism. In Islam, the children learn why the Quran is important to Muslims today and interpret some important stories from the Quran. The children also start to notice similarities and differences between Islam and other faiths.

The children retold the Islam creation story.


In Year 4, the children learn about the religions of Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism. In Judaism, the children understand why the Torah is important to Jews today and what we can learn from the Jewish sacred books. They gain an understanding why Yom Kippur is an important festival for Jews. The children compare, noticing similarities and differences between Judaism and other faiths.

"In Judaism they have a holy place where they pray and its called a synagogue and in Islam they have a holy place where they pray and its called a Mosque".

In Year 5, the children look at what different people believe about God, what it means to be a Muslim in Britain today and Jesus’ teachings. The children look at the religions of Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism. They reflect on how religion plays and important role in the lives of some people and understand beliefs, teachings, practices and lifestyles and how these are conveyed. The children present different views on why people believe in God or not and compare this to their own values whilst remaining respectful of those with different values.

They also visited a Sikh Temple

“Jesus is common to some religions however they see him differently. For example: Christians believe Jesus is the son of God, Muslims believe he is a prophet. Jews don’t believe in either”.

In Year 6, the children explore the beliefs and ideas about life and death, ethics and values and charity. The children look at religions of Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and the humanist perspective. The children compare their values, beliefs and cultures to other people within their community and the wider world. Also, they express their views and opinions.

“Buddhists believe in the Buddha and they believe that you are reborn. There is no heaven or hell. Christians and Muslims believe in heaven and hell and they have a judgement day. Humanists have no belief in an afterlife and they seek happiness in this life.”

“Charity is important to all religions.”

Find Us

Ladybarn Primary School

Briarfield Road



M20 4SR

Contact Us

Executive Headteacher/CEO - Lisa Vyas

Head of School - Ian Caldwell

SENDCO - Emma Easmon

Telephone: 0161 445 4898


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