
Our link scholl for 2015- 2016 is École élémentaire Victor Lesage in Caen.
Children across both Green End and Ladybarn schools sent letters to the children in France, telling them about themselves.
The children in France also shared their interests via their school Newsletter.
Some interests were the same like playing football (although they call it soccer in France) and playing computer games and some were different such as some of the children in France liked playing musical interest, horse-riding and skiing. It was interesting to hear of both similarities and differences.
Everyone had fun writing to each other too - for a real audience and purpose!

2014 - 2015
As our MFL is French, our main partner school is Ecole Marie Curie in Lisieux.
We have worked together with them on three fantastic whole school projects so far, through the theme of PSHE.
The first project was called 'Our School/Votre Ecole.’ Each Year group, from Year 1 to Year 6, was given a school theme to present to their partner year group, through ICT and MFL!
KS1: taught and learnt school songs.
Year 3: School meals.
Year 4: Keeping healthy at school.
Year 5: The Weather.
Year 6: School sports.
Not only were ICT and MFL skills practised for a real audience and purpose, but we were also able to learn about the similarities and differences of our schools, celebrating these together. Each year group’s fantastic work is on our VLE.
The second project was 'Ourselves/Yourselves'
After asking each other questions, each child (from Year 1 to Year 6) decorated a body – shaped ‘me’ template to represent themselves – things that were important to them, favourite foods, hobbies, etc These were then posted to their partner class! Teachers swapped theirs too!
On sharing these, although there were of course similarities and differences, we were surprised at how much we had in common! It was a fantastic celebration of diversity.
Our third project, this year, is called ‘Healthy Eating Schools?’ Each year group is investigating a different area through art.
Years 1 and Year 2: Healthy School Dinners.
Year 3: .Designing a Healthy Meal
Year 4: Designing a Healthy Lunchbox / Snacks
Year 5: Favourite fruit and vegetables.
Year 6: Healthy French food (us) / Healthy English food (France)
We hope to promote how healthy our schools are, learn from each other, as well as practising some key words in our partner’s language – developing MFL skills.
Click here to see the presentation by our French school.
These school meal pictures were done by our French School.