Keeping Children Safe On-line
Take a look at our E Safety Awareness Leaflet here
Download a copy of our presentation on E Safety here
Click here to see our letter to parents regarding social media usage
You can also find a wealth of information here http://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/
There are lots of useful pieces of information on this website designed for parents: https://manchestersafeguardingpartnership.onlinesafetyhub.uk/
Be safe on-line
The internet is a brilliant resource for learning, amongst other things.
E-Safety is about being positive about the good things the internet has to offer and to show an understanding of how our children use the internet, managing the risks to which they are exposed (just like we try to do in everything else).
Reporting Harmful Content on Line
Support for Parents
If you've experienced or witnessed harm online Report Harmful Content can help you to report harmful content online by providing up to date information on community standards and direct links to the correct reporting facilities across multiple platforms
CEOP is a law enforcement agency and is there to keep children and young people safe from sexual exploitation and abuse. Please complete the below to start your report to one of CEOP’s Child Protection Advisors.
Support for Children
Here are some links to some information that will help you keep your child safe on line​
Do you know what your child is doing on line?
Footlights safe search information