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School Houses

House points are a  reward given to children for their positive contribution to school life and  who conduct themselves/behave in a way which makes EVERYONE proud of their achievements. 



Our Houses



House Captain

Fatima N

Vice Captain

Hudaiffa A

Alan Turing was a mathematician.  He worked for the government during WWII and created a machine that was capable of breaking the code Germans were using to communicate. After the war, he moved to Manchester and started designing some of the world’s first computers.



House Captain

Kareem G

Vice Captain

Meeral P

Emmeline Pankhurst established a group who became known as the suffragettes who campaigned for women to have the same equal voting rights as men.  In 1918, owing to her, and other women’s efforts, women over 30 were given the right to vote.



House Captain

Gabrielle D

Vice Captain

Aisha H

Qaisra Shahraz  is the Founder, Curator and Executive Director of MACFEST, Muslim Arts and Culture Festival and MWAFoundation, Muslim Women’s Arts Foundation. She is a prize-winning and critically-acclaimed novelist, scriptwriter, culture champion, and peace and gender activist. 



House Captain

Isaac F

Vice Captain

Kathryn M

Our House Captains have number of targets for this year:

  • To work with staff to be great role models to the younger pupils around school. 

  • To improve their resilience and teamwork skills - both with their school peers and other young leaders from Kingsway Trust - including visits to ‘Venture Out’ and Kinder Scout. 

  • To organise school wide competitions.

  • To take part in the Manchester Healthy Schools Project - Voicebox. 

  • To improve their self-organisation skills and become more confident public speakers. 

  • To organise a school wide reading buddy system

  • To make links with and raise money for our chosen charity, Save the Children.

Our House Captains meet on a fortnightly basis with Mr. Caldwell and can be seen around school helping with assembly and acting as role models.

The School Houses System at Ladybarn​

Allocation of Houses

​The school is divided into four houses, the names of which were voted for by the children and are Manchester Icons, Sharaz, Turing, Pankhurst and Sissay.

Children are allocated a house in Year 1 or when they join the school at a later stage. Where possible, children of the same family will be allocated the same house (unless they request otherwise) whilst ensuring that the number of children is fairly balanced between each house.


Captains and Vice Captains

At the end of the year, Year 5 children who will be going in to Year 6 will be given the opportunity to complete an application to nominate themselves as Captains or Vice Captains. Mr Caldwell and Mrs Vyas will interview the children who have completed this process.

Mr Caldwell and Mrs Vyas will decide on the final Captain and Vice Captains after talking to the Year 6 Class Teacher. 


Captain and Vice Captain Expectations

Captain and Vice Captain are expected to:

  • Meet regularly to support school improvement

  • Undertake a leadership programme including collaboration with our other Trust schools

  • Support school activities including the delivery of assemblies

  • Be an exemplary student


Awarding House Points

Any member of staff can award House Points to any child, at any time and for any reason. if they are follwoing the school's values and behaviour policy. If a child has been identified for going above and beyond, they will be given a coloured token that represents their house.




Find Us

Ladybarn Primary School

Briarfield Road



M20 4SR

Contact Us

Executive Headteacher/CEO - Lisa Vyas

Head of School - Ian Caldwell

SENDCO - Emma Easmon

Telephone: 0161 445 4898


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