Getting Ready to Start School
Starting Nursery
All children will be given a date that they will start Nursery. From that date, your child(ren) will attend part time for 2 weeks - this is to make sure that all children feel settled in their new class.
Throughout their 2 weeks part-time, the school will identify whether your child(ren) has shown that:
· They have used the toilet independently.
· They are able to separate from their parent/ carer and can settle within a reasonable period of time.
· They are able to join in with activities in the class alone or with a friend.
· They are starting to respond to instruction from adults in the setting.
· They are starting to develop positive relationships with adults and other children in the setting.
By the Wednesday of your child’s second week of school you will be informed about whether your child will be attending full time the following week.

In our Nursery
Your child will play with other children
Your child will come to school on time ready to take part in the Nursery day
Your child will say goodbye to you at the start of the day
Your child will use the toilet independently
Your child will feed themselves at dinner time
Your child will take part in activities during circle time
Your child will play outdoors using different equipment

Full Time in Nursery
​Week 1 and 2 = part time basis
Morning 8.50am to 11.20am OR Afternoon 12.45pm to 3.15pm
Week 3 = full time if your child is settling well

For more helpful information and advice, click here